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The Role of a School Governor

School governors are people from the school and local community who wish to make a positive contribution to the education of children at Rosehill Junior School.  They must be aged 18 or over at the time of their appointment.  They are elected to serve on the Governing body for a set period of time.

Our governors have a wide range of knowledge and experience between them which is required to ensure the Head Teacher and the school make the right decisions for benefit of the children and staff at the school.

Governors have an extremely important part to play in raising school standards and expectations by ensuring accountability, setting strategic direction and evaluating the school's performance.

Within our board, Associate Governors do not have voting rights.


We currently have a vacancy on our board of Governors for a Parent Governor.  If you would like to apply for this role, or nominate another parent who you believe would be suitable for the role, then please complete the form below:

Parent Governor Application Form 


Constitution of Rosehill Junior School Governing Body

5 Co-opted Governors

1 LA Governor

2 Parent Governors

1 Staff Governor

The Headteacher

The Clerk to Governors


Our Governing Body


Christopher Oxer - Chair of Governors [Co-opted]

Appointed by: Governing Body on 16/11/2022

Term of office: Expires 15/11/2026

Business interest: Governor at Ryecroft Infant School

Attendance 22/23: 100%


Kate Blythe - Safeguarding [Co-opted]

Appointed by: Governing Body on 01/02/2021 

Term of office: Expires 31/01/2025 

Business interest: Headteacher at Ryecroft Infant School

Attendance 22/23: 100%


Lauren Brown - Staff Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body on 21/10/2020

Term of office: Expires 20/10/2028

Business interest: No business interest

Attendance 22/23: 100%


Adrian Hayes - Headteacher 

Appointed by: Governing Board on 01/09/2021

Term of office: Ongoing

Business interest: Governor at Ryecroft Infant School 

Attendance 22/23: 100%


Carolyn Smith - SEND [LA Governor]

Re-appointed by: Governing Body on 04/12/2019

Term of office: Expires 03/12/2024

Business interest: No business interests, previous headteacher at Ryecroft Infant School

Attendance 22/23: 83%


Donna Crookes - Parent Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body on 27/04/2023

Term of office: Expires 26/04/2027

Business interest: No business interests

Attendance 22/23: 17%


Paul Carney - Associate [LA Governor]

Appointed by: Local Authority on 23/02/2024

Term of office: Expires N/A

Business interest: LA Employee and Directed Staff

Attendance 24/25: 0%


Lynne Pepper - Associate [LA Governor]

Appointed by: Local Authority on 23/02/2024

Term of office: Expires N/A

Business interest: LA Employee and Directed Staff

Attendance 24/25: 17%




Historic Governors (left within the past 12 months)


Jessica Sarracco - Vice Chair Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Body on 24/11/2020 to 23/11/2024


Debbie Charles - Co-opted Governor 

Appointed by: Governing Board on 02/02/2022 to 12/06/2024


Rachel Hughes - Co-opted Governor

Appointed by: Governing Board on 16/11/2022 to 12/06/2024


Mandy Zygmunt - Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parents/Carers on 16/11/2022 to 12/06/2024


Diane Douglas - Chair of Governors

Re-appointed by the Governing Body 24/11/2020 to 16/11/2022


Leah Hart - Parent Governor

Appointed by Parents/Carers 17/10/2018 to 07/06/2022


Andrew Johnson - Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governing Body 02/04/2020 to 28/02/2022


Sarah Marriott - Parent Governor 

Appointed by the Governing Body 13/12/2021 to 11/03/23 


Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574