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Week 6 - Summer 1 - Weekly Update

Here is your weekly update for the upcoming week 6 (final week) of Summer 1. 

Week 5 Complete!

What a wonderful week we’ve all had. The children have worked so hard and really shown their maturity and resilience. The Y6 children have completed their SATS tests this week and the timetable has meant some changes for the other children in school. Y3 embraced this change and were patient and supportive of the older children in school. The Y3 teachers would like to say thank you for this and a massive well done. They are really showing that they are ready for Y4!  


  • We still have a number of our parents/carers who have not connected to our class dojo. This is a great resource for parents to see all the wonderful things our classes get up to whilst at school. Please check your emails and get in contact if you have any problems logging in. 
  • The summer term will include Sports Day and Stem week. Please keep an eye on Class Dojo, the school website and your emails for more information about these things. 
  • A sponsor form has been brought home for the children to raise funds to go towards their Y4 residential to Castleton. The children will be completing a sponsored walk in school on Friday the 20th May. Please check your emails for information. The more money the children raise the cheaper the trip will be for everyone.
  • School have launched their new 'IR' maths resource for the children to use at home. Please check your emails and class dojo for instructions and the link to access this wonderful resource. 
  • All children need their PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday this week.
  • All children need their library books on Wednesday with reading journals. Reading journals should be in school every day along with a water bottle.  
  • We have a number of children coming to school in the incorrect uniform. Please can parent/carers ensure children are wearing the correct items. This information can be found on our website or by contacting the school office. 
  • The weather is very unpredictable at the moment, so politely ask that children come prepared with hats, water bottles, coats and appropriate footwear. 



This week's learning:

  • In English, the children are starting a new genre of writing and will be looking at the features and comparing different texts.
  • In Maths, we will be learning all about money. It would be great if the children could be practising at home and learning what the different coins are, spending money in shops, working out totals and change given.
  • In reading, we will be reading more of our new novel called 'Escape from Pompeii'
  • In PSHE, we are continuing to learn about how we can keep ourselves safe.
  • We will finish learning all about Ancient Rome in our history lessons this week. 
  • In Science, we will be continuing our topic all about plants.
  • Spanish is back on the weekly timetable and the children will be learning how to speak about fruits and vegetables. 
  • In computing this half term, the children will be developing their basic ICT skills.

Miss Brown’s Special Mentions were: Roman, Charlotte and Hunter.

Mrs Pritchard’s Special Mentions were: Joshua A and Kray

Miss Brown’s Always children were: Tadisa and Ella-May

Mrs Pritchard’s Always children were: Lola and Jacob.

Year 3 (adults and children) would like to say a huge well done to the Y6 children who have complete their SATS this week. It has been a tough week for them and they have really given it everything they have got. The whole school are beyond proud of them and the example they have set for the other children. They are exemplary role models for the year 3 children.

Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully we will have some more lovely sunshine. Remember to keep safe in the sun and wear sun cream, a hat and drink plenty of water.

Miss Brown & Mrs Pritchard

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574